Research Articles

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    Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis and the associated clinical symptoms in Western Uganda
    (International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2022) Florence, Tushabe; Samuel, Mwesige; Annet, Nankwanga; Ivan, Kasamba; Ruth, Kateeba
    Abstract Pulmonary tuberculosis is a public health problem affecting over 5.8 million people worldwide per year. Burden of the disease varies across populations due to differences in biological and behavioral factors. In Western Uganda, the prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis was not established and there was continued use of a biased clinical tuberculosis description guideline during treatment. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was conducted among people ≥12 years attending Buhinga hospital in Western Uganda from April to June 2019 to achieve the following specific objectives; (1)-Determine prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis by age group and sex, 2-Assess the clinical symptoms associated with pulmonary tuberculosis amongst the participants. Participants were recruited by simple random sampling technique and standardized questionnaire were administered to obtain demographic and clinical data. 379 sputum specimens were collected and tested for M. tuberculosis using Gene X-pert and Classical Real Time PCR. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 13. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis by age group was highest in 20-29 years, high in 30-39 years and ≥50 years and least in 10-19 years old individuals. Females had a slightly higher prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis than males. Youthful behavior of active participation in social activities and advanced age health associated factors contributed to the high prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis amongst the participants. There was no significant relationship between pulmonary tuberculosis disease and demography; - age group and sex (P-value = 0.24). All pulmonary tuberculosis cases presented with persistent fevers, coughs for ≥ 2 weeks, night sweats and noticeable weight loss in the hierarchical order. The relationship between pulmonary tuberculosis disease and clinical symptoms; - persistent fevers, cough, noticeable weight loss and night sweats (P-values; <0.001, <0.001, 0.001 and <0.001 respectively) was significant. Age and clinical symptoms are important pulmonary tuberculosis control hotspots.
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    The phenotypes and alleles frequencies of ABO blood groups in Western Uganda
    (Open Access Research Journal, 2022) Samuel, Mwesige; Annet, Nankwanga; Florence, Tushabe; Ivan, Kasamba; Ruth, Kateeba
    Abstract ABO blood group system is one of the clinically significant blood classification systems that vary across populations. Knowledge of distribution of the ABO blood system can help us to predict herd immunity and transmissibility of a disease in a population. In Uganda, little was known about this system and no research had been carried out to elaborate on the distribution of the A, B, AB and O blood types. Therefore, a cross-sectional study was conducted among people ≥12 years attending Buhinga hospital in Western Uganda from April to June 2019 to determine the phenotypes and alleles frequencies of the A, B, AB and O blood groups. Participants were recruited by simple random sampling technique and demographic data was obtained. 379 venous blood samples were collected and tested for ABO sero-types. Phenotypic data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test of association and Hardy-Weinberg law of computation. Frequencies of ABO phenotypes were in the following order; O (39.8%)>, A (39.6%) >, B (12.4%)> AB (8.2%). There was no significant difference in the A, B, AB and O phenotype frequencies between males and females (p-value= 0.91). Based on Hardy-Weinberg Law, frequencies of the A, B, O alleles were; 0.63 for the O allele, 0.27 allele for the A allele and 0.14 for the B allele. Predominance of blood group O is more likely to influence population immunity.
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    Viability And Infectivity Of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
    (International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 2020-05) Samuel, Mwesige
    Abstract: 2019-nCoV is one of the seven human coronaviruses responsible for causing COVID-19. The disease started in Wuhan China and was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization because of high number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths across the world. COVID-19 is a rapidly spreading novel disease and yet has no defined treatment plan. It is imperative for us to understand viability and infectivity of 2019-nCoV with the hope of finding interventional and treatment solutions. Based on behavioral similarity and biological relatedness between 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV, a number of viability and infectivity factors that influence the spread of COVID-19 have been elucidated. The viability factors are viral genes, protein factors and metrological features (fomites, low temperatures low humidity). Factors responsible for 2019-nCoV infectivity are virion N and S proteins and the human biology aspects of gender, sex hormones, sex-linked genes and immune cells. The biological factors can be used as biomarkers to develop therapies and diagnostics for COVID-19. Public health interventional strategies such as social distancing, isolation, contact tracing and use of facemasks should be encouraged to break COVID-19 transmission chain.
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    The Silent Anaemia Epidemic in Children
    (International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 2020-05) Samuel, Mwesige; Annete, Nankwanga; Didas, Mushabe
    Abstract:- Anaemia (haemoglobin level < 11 g/dl) is a silent epidemic that affects about 293.1 million children aged <5 years worldwide with 28.5% of those located in sub-Sahara Africa. Child hood Anaemia is associated with poor cognition, reduced growth, problems with immune function and ultimately decreased survival. Uganda’s childhood Anaemia is insidious, multifactorial and undefined. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence, severity and leading cause of Anaemia amongst children ≤ 12 years attending Virika hospital. The cross-sectional study employed both qualitative and semi-quantitative methods. Participants were sampled by convenience and simple random techniques. Parents were given short interviews to obtain participants demographic and necessary information. Blood, stool and anthropometric measurements were obtained from the participants and tested for complete blood count, malaria, HIV, sickle cell disease, helminthes and malnutrition respectively. Data was analyzed using Excel computer program. Results show that Prevalence of Anaemia in children is high, presenting mostly in moderate form. Malnutrition plays a major role in the development of Anaemia. Nutritional support and awareness are key aspects in prevention of Anaemia development and progression. Other control interventions may include provision of improved diagnostic tests, optimizing compliance, appropriating referral practices, implementation of standard treatment guidelines and research.
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    Comparative Assessment of Red Blood Cell Morphology in Anaemic Children
    (International Journal of Sciences, 2020) Samuel, Mwesige; Clement, Munguiko; Didas, Mushabe
    Abstract Anaemia (haemoglobin level < 11 g/dl) is a health burden among preschool children and women of child bearing age and affects over 27% of the World population. Anaemia results from reduction in the functional haemoglobin or red blood cell numbers or mass leading to decreased oxygen carrying capacity characterized by clinical features such as; skin pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, jaundice and tachycardia. Evaluating and interpreting red blood cell morphology provides key information in the differential diagnosis of Anaemia. However, the current standard Peripheral thin blood method of assessing red blood cell morphology is highly technical and time consuming. There was need to carry out assessment into the alternative Automated Complete Blood Count method to aid in the selection of the reliable assay. The objective of the study was to compare between Peripheral blood thin film and Automated Complete Blood Count morphologically classified Anaemia in children. The study was cross-sectional and employed simple random sampling technique. Blood samples were obtained from the participants, assessed for red blood cell morphology by Automated Complete Blood Count and Peripheral thin blood film. Data was analyzed using SPSS and a paired t-test used to test for the statistical significance. Results show no significant difference in the scores for Peripheral thin blood film (M=25.5, SD=11.82) and Automated Complete Blood Count (M=25.5, SD=12.66) t (3) =0.00, p =1.000. Automated Complete Blood Count is a method of choice in assessing red blood cell morphology and evaluating Anaemia. The study recommends assessment into various Automated Complete Blood Count models available in the market to aid in the selection of most reliable one.
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    Levels of total aflatoxins in maize and groundnuts across food value chains, gender and Agro-ecological zones of Uganda
    (International Journal of Life Science Research Archive, 2023-08-08) Samuel, Mwesige; Florence, Tushabe; Thomas, Okoth; Ivan, Kasamba; David, Areu
    Abstract Maize and groundnuts are traditional nutrient-rich and high economic value foods grown in Uganda. However, these crops are susceptible to aflatoxin contamination which may result into aflatoxicosis related illnesses. Occurrence of flatoxins in the foods varies across food value chains, gender and agro-ecological zones of Uganda. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional study in 80 maize and groundnut foodstuff from Masindi and Soroti agro-ecological districts respectively. We determined levels of total aflatoxins in maize and groundnut samples across food value chains, gender and agro-ecological zones. This was aimed at assessing safety and quality status of the foods in Uganda. Questionnaires were administered to obtain information on food handling practices. 500g of each food sample were obtained and analyzed for total aflatoxin levels using ELISA assay. Data was analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. In overall, 45% of maize and 30% of groundnut foods were contaminated with aflatoxins. Mean aflatoxin levels in foods from Eastern and Western agro-ecological zones were 0.052±0.036ppb and 0.045±0.033ppb respectively (p=0.124). Mean aflatoxin levels in groundnuts from both male and female respondents were coincidentally 0.052ppb. Whereas, the mean aflatoxin levels in maize from male and female respondents were 0.056±0.037ppb and 0.039±0.029ppb respectively. Across the food value chain, wholesaler groundnut foods contained the highest mean aflatoxin levels of 0.088ppb (p= 0.27). Growing high polyamine containing crops, routine testing of aflatoxin prone foods and sensitizing food value chain players are important aflatoxin control strategies.
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    Subacute toxicity study of aqueous root extract of Terminalia schimperiana in male Wistar rats
    (Published by Elsevier B.V., 2019) O.S., Awotunde; S.O., Adewoye; Dhanabal, P.S; J., Hawumba
    Abstract: The effect of administration of aqueous extract of Terminalia schimperiana root, “a medicinal plant”, on some ‘biomarker’ enzymes, hematology parameters, liver function and kidney function parameters of rat cellular system was investigated. The aqueous extract was administered orally to male wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) at various doses (1000, 2000, 3000 mg/kg body weight) daily for 21 days and the rats were sacrificed under chloroform anesthesia after 1, 7 and 21 days of oral administration. The administration of the aqueous extract of Terminalia schimperiana root for 21 days resulted in significant (P < 0.05) increase in packed cell volume and red blood cells level when compared with the control but were all within the normal test range. The differentials remained normal and the white blood cells level remained constant throughout the test period but increased after day 21 of the administration. Aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase serum activities significantly (P < 0.05) increased, while the serum activities of alanine transaminase and gamma glutamyl transferase significantly (P < 0.05) reduced after 21 days of administration when compared with the control but they all fell within the normal test range. The extract produced (out of normal test range) significant (P < 0.05) increase in the serum albumin and total bilirubin. The kidney function parameters level was normal for sodium and potassium while the levels of creatinine and urea increased when compared with the control but were within the normal test ranges. The extracts did not have deleterious effect on the male wistar rat organs at the dosages investigated, therefore, studies for extended period is suggested to determine if the prolonged continuous use of the extract might cause challenge on the functional capacity of the organs.