Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination Across the Food Value Chain for Maize and Groundnuts in Uganda
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Acta Scientific AGRICULTURE
Background: Maize and groundnuts are some of the most highly contaminated foods on the Ugandan market. Since 2006 there have
been some scattered studies on the prevalence of aflatoxin contamination among these grains. However, there were no recent studies
of 2022 to highlight the status of aflatoxin contamination.
Methods: Grain samples were collected from two highest producing districts that is Masindi and Soroti districts; and across the value
chain, from farmers to wholesalers, retailers, processors and restaurants/homes. The samples were tested using ELISA method and
the prevalence calculated.
Results: Aflatoxins were detected in 45% and 30% of maize and groundnuts, respectively. Contamination increases over the value
chain from 31% at farm level, to 42% at table level. In general, contamination was highest among processors at 43%, followed by
restaurants (42%), wholesalers (40%), farmers (31%) and retailers at 29%.
Keywords: Aflatoxins; Prevalence; Maize; Corn; Groundnuts; Gnuts; Uganda; Value Chain
Aflatoxins; Prevalence; Maize; Corn; Groundnuts; Gnuts; Uganda; Value Chain
Florence Tushabe., et al. “Prevalence of Aflatoxin Contamination Across the Food Value Chain for Maize and Groundnuts in Uganda". Acta Scientific Agriculture 7.5 (2023): 22-27.